John Tucker, mrtev si
John Tucker Must Die, ZDA, Kanada, 89 min
Imdb ocena 5.8
Žanr: komedija, romantični
Igrajo: Jesse Metcalfe, Brittany Snow, Ashanti, Sophia Bush
Režija: Betty Thomas
Avtorji: Jeff Lowell
Jezik: angleški, japonski

Slovenski opis filma:
John Tucker je najpriljubljenejši, najbolj čeden in najuspešnejši košarkarski zvezdnik na šoli, zato ni nič čudnega, da se dekleta lepijo nanj in da hodi s kar tremi naenkrat. Ko Heather, Beth in Carrie izvedo druga za drugo, se odločijo združiti moči in nepoboljšljivemu ženskarju nastaviti past. Načrt? Predstaviti mu nameravajo nerodno novinko Kate, ki naj bi z njihovo pomočjo Johna ovila okrog svojega mezinca, potem pa ga zapustila. Kate ne preostane drugega, kot da privoli v spletko, toda zaplete se, ko se John in Kate res zaljubita.
Originalni opis filma:
Kate (Brittany Snow) is the new girl in school. She catches John Tucker (Jesse Metcalfe) dating three different girls at once: Carrie - the smart girl, Heather - the cheerleader, and Beth - the activist slut; none of them are aware that they are not the only girl in John's heart. Kate, having been raised by a single mother, has seen the pain caused by playboys like John Tucker, and she won't stand idly by. Together with the three jilted ex-girlfriends, they hatch a plan to teach John a lesson. Things rarely go as planned, especially when Kate starts to think that she might be falling for John herself.