Radovedni George
Curious George, ZDA, Nemčija, 87 min
Imdb ocena 6.5
Žanr: risani, avantura, komedija
Igrajo: Frank Welker, Will Ferrell, Shane Baumel, Timyra-Joi Beatty
Režija: Matthew O'Callaghan
Avtorji: Ken Kaufman (scenarij), Ken Kaufman (zgodba), Mike Werb (zgodba), Margret Rey (books), H.A. Rey (books)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Will Ferrell zaigra kot moški z rumenim klobukom, ki skrbi za svojo opico - radovedno in čudovito bitje, katerega navdušenje se pogosto izkaže za njegovo šibko točko.
Originalni opis filma:
The man with the yellow hat named Ted Shackleford works at a natural history museum that's fallen on hard times. The museum director's son wants to turn it into a parking lot, but Ted offers to bring back a mysterious idol from Africa that's guaranteed to pull in crowds. Unfortunately, the idol turns out to be three inches tall. But Ted accidentally brings back a lonely yet irrepressible monkey, soon dubbed George. They set off on a non-stop action, fun-filled journey through the wonders of the big city toward the warmth of true friendship.