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Rožnati panter

Rožnati panter, 2006

The Pink Panther, ZDA, Češka, 93 min

Imdb ocena 5.6

Žanr: avantura, komedija, kriminalni

Igrajo: Steve Martin, Kevin Kline, Jean Reno, Emily Mortimer

Režija: Shawn Levy

Avtorji: Len Blum (scenarij), Steve Martin (scenarij), Len Blum (zgodba), Michael Saltzman (zgodba), Maurice Richlin (liki), Blake Edwards (liki)

Jezik: angleški

Rožnati panter - The Pink Panther

Slovenski opis filma:

Nerodni inšpektor Clouseau se tokrat loti raziskovanja svojega najpomembnejšega primera. Nekdo je zastrupil francoskega nogometnega trenerja Yvesa Gluanta, skrivnostno pa je izginil tudi njegov diamantni prstan neprecenljive vrednosti, Rožnati panter. Reševanje medijsko odmevnega primera dodelijo glavnemu inšpektorju Dreyfusu. Ker si ta pri tem ne sme privoščiti prav nobene napake, si bo raje pripisal vse zasluge za uspeh, delo pa prepustil Clouseauju, ki se tako s svojim pomočnikom, žandarjem Gilbertom, odpravi po sledeh umora. Najprej ju sledi vodijo po vsem Parizu, nazadnje pa pristaneta v New Yorku.

Originalni opis filma:

When the coach of the France soccer team is killed by a poisoned dart in the stadium in the end of a game, and his expensive and huge ring with the diamond Pink Panther disappears, the ambitious Chief Insp. Dreyfus assigns the worst police inspector Jacques Clouseau to the case. His intention is to give a diversion to the press, while he uses his best men to chase the killer and thief. He assigns Gendarme Gilbert Ponton to work with Clouseau and inform each step of the investigation. When Clouseau is nominated with honor to the highest prize in France, Dreyfus decides to humiliate Clouseau and take him out of the case. However Clouseau has already solved the mystery.