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Vsi fantje so zatreskani v Mandy Lane

Vsi fantje so zatreskani v Mandy Lane, 2006

All the Boys Love Mandy Lane, ZDA, 90 min

Imdb ocena 5.6

Žanr: grozljivka

Igrajo: Amber Heard, Anson Mount, Michael Welch, Whitney Able

Režija: Jonathan Levine

Avtorji: Jacob Forman

Jezik: angleški

Vsi fantje so zatreskani v Mandy Lane - All the Boys Love Mandy Lane

Slovenski opis filma:

Mandy Lane je 16-letna osirotela lepotica, po kateri hrepenijo vsi njeni sošolci in prijatelji. Po smrti enega izmed sošolcev, ki umre med zabavo ob bazenu, se Mandy spoprijatelji s Chloe, Marlin, Redom, Birdom in Jakeom, s katerimi se za konec tedna odpravi na samotni ranč Redove družine. Fantje so seveda odločeni, da bodo poskušali osvojiti Mandy, toda potem ko zaužijejo večje količine alkohola in drog, postaja vse bolj jasno, da se bo prijeten večer prelevil v burno in krvavo dogajanje.

Originalni opis filma:

SPOILER: The orphan Mandy Lane is a beautiful, virgin and pure teenager raised by her aunt, desired by her schoolmates and a close friend of the outcast Emmet. After the death of their high school mate in a pool party, Mandy befriends Chloe, Marlin, Red, Bird and Jake. Red invites the group for a weekend party in the isolated ranch of his family, with all the boys disputing who would succeed in having sex with Mandy Lane. They meet the henchman Garth that takes care of the ranch and he asks the group to go easy on the drugs and booze. In the middle of the night, a stranger wearing a hood attacks Marlin in the barn; when Jake seeks her out, he faces the killer, beginning a night of bloodshed and terror.