88 minut
88 Minutes, ZDA, Nemčija, Kanada, 108 min
Imdb ocena 5.9
Žanr: kriminalni, drama, misterij
Igrajo: Al Pacino, Alicia Witt, Leelee Sobieski, Amy Brenneman
Režija: Jon Avnet
Avtorji: Gary Scott Thompson
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
V glavni vlogi bo Al Pacino upodobil profesorja Jacka Gramma, ki dela tudi kot forenzični psihiater za FBI.Psihiater Jack Gramm je pri sodelovanju v zadnjem primeru odgovoren za smrtno obsodbo serijskega morilca. Na dan morilčeve usmrtitve prejme klic, v katerem mu zagrozijo, da mu je ostalo samo še 88 minut življenja. Medtem se začnejo dogajati skrivnostni umori, v katerih je prav on glavni osumljenec. Preden se mu izteče čas, mora tako uporabiti vse svoje sposobnosti in znanje, da najde osebo, ki mu želi uničiti kariero in mu streže po življenju. Medtem pa ura neusmiljeno tiktaka.
Originalni opis filma:
In Seattle, the successful forensic psychiatrist and college professor Jack Gramm is in evidence since he was responsible for the condemnation of the serial killer Jon Forster, influencing the jury to sentence him to the death row. Jon accuses Jack of manipulation, inducing one witness and sister of one of his victims to testify against him. On the eve of Jon's execution, Jack receives a phone call telling him that he has only eighty-eight minutes of life, while a killer is copycatting Jon, killing women with the same "modus-operandi" and is investigated by Seattle Slayer Task Force. With the support of associate Shelly Barnes, an FBI agent, his friend Frank Parks, and his assistant Kim Cummings, Jack investigates some weird and problematic students, a security guard of the campus and the woman with whom he had one night stand.