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Bitka v Seattlu

Bitka v Seattlu, 2007

Battle in Seattle, Kanada, ZDA, Nemčija, 98 min

Imdb ocena 6.7

Žanr: akcijski, drama

Igrajo: André Benjamin, Jennifer Carpenter, Isaach De Bankolé, Woody Harrelson

Režija: Stuart Townsend

Avtorji: Stuart Townsend

Jezik: angleški

Bitka v Seattlu - Battle in Seattle

Slovenski opis filma:

Film o dogodkih pred, med in po protestih, ki so se v zgodovino zapisali kot prvi v množici povsem spontanih uporov proti korporativnemu kapitalizmu.30. 11. 1999 se je v ameriškem mestu Seattle začela ministrska konferenca članic Svetovne trgovinske organizacije (WTO). Na ulicah mesta je delegate pričakala pisana množica protestnikov, ki so dvignili svoj glas proti globaliziranemu kapitalizmu in čedalje večjim neenakostim, ki jih ta sistem prinaša v vse pore družbe. Protestniki so sprva zaprli mestno četrt, kjer je bilo prizorišče srečanja. Mirni protesti so se zaradi pretirane uporabe policijske sile in nekaj preveč zagretih aktivističnih akcij sprevrgli v nasilje, zaradi katerega se je mesto kmalu znašlo v popolnem kaosu.

Originalni opis filma:

In late November 1999, masses are descending upon Seattle for the World Trade Organization (WTO) Conference, the first ever held on American soil. Beyond the several delegates, career protesters are also coming to Seattle, they who believe the non-elected organization only exists to support corporate interests at the expense of the poor, working class and the environment among other things. Before the conference, the lead known protesters vow that their demonstrations will be peaceful, while Seattle Mayor Jim Tobin promises that if that be the case that no arrests will be made and no aggressive action, such as the use of tear gas, will be issued. On day one of the conference, tensions on both sides escalate the confrontation between police and protesters, with many innocent people caught in the crossfire. As such, what was promised ends up not happening during the remainder of the conference, where many on both sides work not for the greater good of their side, but rather for their own personal interests because of their experience on day one. These battles outside the official conference are not the only ones happening in Seattle, as many of the conference delegates, such as Doctors Without Borders and those from some of the poorer nations, try to get across the point of many of the protesters - albeit in a more diplomatic method - while seemingly ignored by those in the upper echelon of the organization.