Guantanamero, Velika Britanija, Španija, 89 min
Imdb ocena 4.8
Žanr: drama, fantazijski, misterij
Igrajo: Nicolás Belmonte, Mohamed Chafik, Ako Chavarri, Ismael de Diego
Režija: Vicente Peñarrocha
Avtorji: Philip Palmer, Vicente Peñarrocha, Michiyo Yoshizaki (idea)
Jezik: španski, arabski, angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Po divji nevihti se Ali prebudi na zapuščeni plaži, bolan in zmeden. Ker ga bodo iskali, se mora še naprej premikati. Ivan, lokalni Kubanec, odpelje Alija v stanovanje svoje sestre Manuele, plesalke v Havani. Kmalu do njega začuti čudno privlačnost. Alija preganjajo nočne more, ki ga pripeljejo do groze sobe za zaslišanje v Guantanamu, in presenetljive vizije, ki povezujejo njegovo preteklost z njegovo sedanjostjo. Toda ali so te nočne more posledica resnične izkušnje v zaporu ali samo sanje mučene duše?
Originalni opis filma:
After a violent storm, Ali awakens on a deserted beach, sick and disoriented. They'll be looking for him and he must keep moving. Ivan, a local Cuban, takes Ali to the apartment of his sister Manuela, a dancer in Havana. At first, she is apprehensive to take in this tormented stranger, but she relents as she feels drawn to this mysterious person who has shown up on her door step. Ali is haunted by nightmares, which bring him to the horror of the interrogation room at Guantanamo, and by startling visions linking his past and his present life. But are these nightmares flash backs to his experiences in the prison or just dreams of a tortured soul?