Jaz, jaz in jaz
More of Me, ZDA, 86 min
Imdb ocena 3.9
Žanr: komedija
Igrajo: Molly Shannon, Steven Weber, Kimberly Huie, Jake Beale
Režija: Daisy von Scherler Mayer
Avtorji: Kelli Pryor
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Alice McCgrath skuša biti popolna v vsem. Želi biti idealna žena, ljubeča mama, popolna gospodinja ter uspešna okoljevarstvena aktivistka. Nič čudnega, da je nenehno pod stresom in da je z živci že popolnoma na koncu. Ko si nekega dne zaželi, da bi obstajale tri Alice, ki bi lahko shajale z vsakdanjimi napori, se ji želja uresniči. Prva Alice je materinska in ljubeča, druga je predana okoljevarstvenim idealom, tretja pa bi rada zadovoljila svojega moža. Prava Alice tako izgine neznano kam. Toda ali je to res prava rešitev za njena bremena?
Originalni opis filma:
Alice is a burnt out. She tries to keep her kids in order, her husband happy, and runs a cause of trying to save a tree she loves. One day when looking in her three way mirror, she wishes there was more of her. All of the sudden, the three reflections of Alice pop out of the mirror. One version is motherly and takes care of her kids, the second one works on the cause that Alice is fighting, and the final version of Alice is oversexed and just wants to please Alice's husband, Rex. The trade off is that the real Alice becomes invisible. At first, Alice enjoys her peace and quiet, but when her alter egos start running amok and start doing things she doesn't like, Alice vows to take her life back.