Ljudje v senci
Shadow People, ZDA, 96 min
Imdb ocena 6.0
Žanr: drama
Igrajo: Lesli Kay, Keith Coulouris, Kaela Dobkin, Lee Spencer
Režija: Keith Coulouris
Avtorji: Keith Coulouris
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Dan in Gretchen, ki imata burno razmerje in skrivnostno preteklost, najameta hiško od premožnega para v dolini San Fernando. Kmalu ljubosumje in izdaja spremenita njihovo prijateljstvo v igro manipulacije in prevar, saj Dan in Gretchen nameravata svoja nova prijatelja naučiti, kaj pomenita skromnost ter bolečina, ki jo lahko v razmerju povzročijo laži.
Originalni opis filma:
Dan and Gretchen, a couple with a secretive past and a failing relationship rent a guest house from an affluent couple in California's San Fernando Valley. Jealousy and betrayal turn a casual friendship into a game of manipulation and deception when Dan and Gretchen decide to teach their landlords about humility and the pain that hidden truths in a relationship can bring.