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Neprevidno, 2007

Careless, ZDA, 90 min

Imdb ocena 4.8

Žanr: komedija, misterij, romantični

Igrajo: Giuseppe Andrews, Craig Anton, Rachel Blanchard, John Boyd

Režija: Peter Spears

Avtorji: Eric Laster

Jezik: angleški

Neprevidno - Careless

Slovenski opis filma:

Nekega večera Wiley Roth na tleh svoje kuhinje naleti na odrezan človeški prst. Povsem pričakovano ga njegovo odkritje pretrese in šokira. Svojo najdbo pokaže najboljšemu prijatelju Mitchu, s katerim bosta skušala odkriti skrivnostnega lastnika prsta. Pri tem bo Wiley naletel na devetprsto Cheryl, ki bi lahko bila dekle njegovih sanj.

Originalni opis filma:

An offbeat comedy in the style of "Bottle Rocket" and "After Hours". Wiley Roth finds a severed human finger in his kitchen one night. Understandably freaked out, Wiley and his best friend Mitch try to figure out the mystery of the finger, in a search across Los Angeles that brings them in contact with psychics, ineffectual police, crooked taxidermists, mysterious neighbors who might be on drugs, and a nine-fingered woman named Cheryl who might, improbably, end up being the girl of his dreams.