Nova prilika
Turn the River, ZDA, 92 min
Imdb ocena 5.8
Žanr: drama
Igrajo: Famke Janssen, Jaymie Dornan, Rip Torn, Matt Ross
Režija: Chris Eigeman
Avtorji: Chris Eigeman
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Gulley živi z očetom in njegovo novo partnerko, v družinsko življenje pa se nenehno vmešava njegova oblastna in bogata babica. Ker je nesrečen, na skrivaj naveže stik s svojo materjo Kailey, pretkano igralko biljarda. Kailey bi rada z biljardom zaslužila dovolj, da bi lahko Gulleya odpeljala v Kanado. Pri tem računa na pomoč dolgoletnega prijatelja Teddyja Quinetta, ki ima v lasti biljardnico. Ji bo uspelo zmagati v igri biljarda, obdržati sinovo zaupanje in z njim začeti novo življenje v Kanadi?
Originalni opis filma:
In New York City, Gulley, who's in middle school, lives with his father and step-mother; his paternal grandmother dominates the family's life. In secret, he's recently been in touch with his mother, Kailey, a pool hustler, who wants to win big and take Gulley to Canada. With the help of Teddy Quinette, who runs Quinn's Pool Hall, Kailey may get her shot at big money. Can she win the match, keep her son's confidence, and, using fake documents she gets from Markus, a friend of hers, make it to Canada to start a new life?