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Zvezdni prah

Zvezdni prah, 2007

Stardust, Velika Britanija, ZDA, Islandija, 127 min

Imdb ocena 7.6

Žanr: avantura, družinski, fantazijski

Igrajo: Ian McKellen, Bimbo Hart, Alastair MacIntosh, David Kelly

Režija: Matthew Vaughn

Avtorji: Jane Goldman (scenarij), Matthew Vaughn (scenarij), Neil Gaiman (novela)

Jezik: angleški

Zvezdni prah - Stardust

Slovenski opis filma:

Mladi Tristan živi v vasici, obdani z obzidjem, ki jo popolnoma loči od zunanjega sveta. Da bi osvojil srce hladne lepotice Victorie, se odloči, da ji bo prinesel zvezdo, ki jo je videl pasti z neba. Pot ga vodi v nevarni svet izven domače vasice. Ko nazadnje le najde padlo zvezdo, Tristan spozna, da se je ta na Zemlji spremenila v prelepo dekle po imenu Yvaine. Toda Tristan ni edini, ki bi se je rad polastil.

Originalni opis filma:

The passage from this world to the fantasy kingdom of Stormhold is through a breach in a wall beside an English village. In the 1800s, a boy becomes a man when he ventures through the breach in pursuit of a fallen star, to prove his love for the village beauty. The star is no lump of rock, it's a maiden, Yvaine. Tristan, the youth, is not the only one looking for her: three witches, led by Lamia, want her heart to make them young; and, the sons of the dead king of Stormhold want her because she holds a ruby that will give one of them title to the throne. Assisting Tristan are his mother, the victim of a spell, and a cross-dressing pirate of the skies. Will Tristan win his true love?