Bart je dobil sobo
Bart Got a Room, ZDA, 80 min
Imdb ocena 5.7
Žanr: komedija
Igrajo: Steven Kaplan, William H. Macy, Cheryl Hines, Alia Shawkat
Režija: Brian Hecker
Avtorji: Brian Hecker
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Sramežljivi najstnik Danny je odločen, da si bo za maturantski ples našel spremljevalko. Medtem ko je njegova najboljša prijateljica Camille prepričana, da bo povabil prav njo, Danny upa, da bo njegovo povabilo sprejela priljubljena navijačica, v katero je zagledan. Ko izve, da ima Bart, največji piflar na šoli, zmenek za veliki dogodek in je celo rezerviral sobo v hotelu, Danny postane obupan. Na pomoč mu priskočita starša, ki se ravno ločujeta in bi za svojega sina storila vse. Ga čaka nepozabna noč?
Originalni opis filma:
Danny Stein is a high-school senior and class vice president; he's in charge of the prom, along with Camille, his best friend for years. Everyone including Camille and her parents assumes that Danny will ask her to the prom, but he wants something less platonic and more romantic - more memorable. His choices include the sophomore cheerleader he drives to school, a friend of a friend, and a quiet Chinese girl in his classes. With his parents' help (they're going through a divorce), he gets the tickets, rents a tux, reserves a limo, and, over his mother's objections, gets a room at the prom-site hotel. This, everyone believes, is the way to establish memories. Will anything work out?