Bruce in Lloyd
Get Smart's Bruce and Lloyd Out of Control, ZDA, 72 min
Imdb ocena 4.9
Žanr: akcijski, komedija, romantični, znanstvena fantastika
Igrajo: Masi Oka, Nate Torrence, Jayma Mays, Marika Dominczyk
Režija: Gil Junger
Avtorji: Tom J. Astle, Matt Ember
Jezik: angleški, španski

Slovenski opis filma:
Bruce in Lloyd sta tipična piflarska znanstvenika, ki cele dneve preživljata zaprta v varnem zavetju svojega laboratorija, v katerem sta pred kratkim izumila plašč nevidnosti. Ko za plašč izve južnoameriški diktator, k Bruceu in Lloydu pošlje svojo agentko Isabelle, ki njun najnovejši izum meni nič tebi nič ukrade. Glede na to , da se edina še zaupanja vredna agenta trenutno nahajata v Rusiji, se morata Bruce in Lloyd sama odpraviti na teren in najti ukradeni plašč. Ker je ta neviden, njegovo iskanje ne bo lahko delo.
Originalni opis filma:
Both being national security agencies, the CIA and CONTROL have a sometimes friendly, sometimes not so friendly rivalry. CONTROL may now have the upper hand in the rivalry when Bruce and Lloyd, two of their nerdish inventors working in the gadgets laboratory, are close to perfecting their optical camouflage technology (OCT), aka an invisibility cloak. This is much to the chagrin of their counterparts at the CIA, Bob and Howard. The more personal rivalry between Bruce/Lloyd and Bob/Howard is fostered by their respective bosses, who happen to be competitive twin brothers. Bruce and Lloyd may be in deep trouble when their only prototype of the OCT goes missing. They initially believe that Bob and Howard may have it or worse that it has fallen into the hands on CONTROL's arch enemy, KAOS. But they discover that it was stolen by a beautiful woman named Isabella, working for her country, Maraguay. Bruce and Lloyd, with Bruce's girlfriend and fellow CONTROL technology geek Nina at their side, go on a mission to retrieve the OCT back from the Maraguayan government, who they learn has ties to KAOS. But they also learn that Bob and Howard are also trying to retrieve the OCT for the CIA's glory, and that Isabella is working on her own personal agenda.