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Dogodek, 2008
znanstvena fantastika

The Happening, ZDA, Indija, 91 min

Imdb ocena 5.0

Žanr: znanstvena fantastika, triler

Igrajo: Mark Wahlberg, Zooey Deschanel, John Leguizamo, Ashlyn Sanchez

Režija: M. Night Shyamalan

Avtorji: M. Night Shyamalan

Jezik: angleški, francoski

Dogodek - The Happening

Slovenski opis filma:

V samo nekaj minutah se po večjih ameriških mestih zgodi nenavaden dogodek. Pride do nenavadnih smrti, ki se jih ne da razložiti. Nihče ne ve, za kaj gre. Za nov teroristični napad, virus, biološko orožje? Srednješolski profesor Elliot Moore želi najti način, kako pobegniti temu skrivnostnemu in nevidnemu morilcu. Z odtujeno ženo Almo se odpravita na pot, da bi našla kak kotiček, kjer bi bila varna. Pridružita se jima še Elliotov prijatelj Julian in njegova osemletna hčerka Jess, a hitro odkrijejo, da nihče prav nikjer ni varen.

Originalni opis filma:

Elliot Moore is a high school science teacher who quizzes his class one day about an article in the New York Times. It's about the sudden, mysterious disappearance of bees. Yet again Nature is doing something inexplicable, and whatever science has to say about it will be, in the end, only a theory. Scientists will bring out more theories, but no explanations, when a more urgent dilemma hits the planet. It begins in Central Park. Suddenly and inexplicably, the behavior of everyone in the park changes in a most bizarre and horrible way. Soon, the strange behavior spreads throughout the city and beyond. Elliot, his wife, Alma, and Jess, the young daughter of a friend, will only have theories to guide them where to run and where to hide. But theories may not be enough.