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Einstein in Eddington

Einstein in Eddington, 2008

Einstein and Eddington, Velika Britanija, ZDA, 94 min

Imdb ocena 7.3

Žanr: biografski, drama, zgodovinski

Igrajo: David Tennant, Richard McCabe, Patrick Kennedy, Ben Uttley

Režija: Philip Martin

Avtorji: Peter Moffat

Jezik: angleški

Einstein in Eddington - Einstein and Eddington

Slovenski opis filma:

V filmu Einstein in Eddington je v vlogi britanskega znanstvenika sira Arthurja Stanleyja Eddingtona nastopil David Tennant, Andy Serkis pa je zaigral Alberta Einsteina.Drama z Davidom Tennantom in Andyjem Serkisom v glavnih vlogah. Spomladi l. 1914, ko je bila Evropa na robu vojne, še nihče ni slišal za nepomembnega nemškega fizika Alberta Einsteina. Britanski astronom Arthur Eddington je ugotovil, da bi Einsteinove teorije lahko sprožile drugačna razmišljanja o času in prostoru. Kljub nevarnosti, da bi ju razglasili za izdajalca, sta si moška začela dopisovati. Mrk v Afriki ponudi priložnost, da se svetu dokaže Einsteinove teorije. Eddington, nepričakovani junak, se odpravi na potovanje, da bi za vedno spremenil človeško dojemanje vesolja.

Originalni opis filma:

Sir Arthur Eddington is a renowned physicist at Cambridge University and an expert in the measurement of the physical world. He along with all of his colleagues are also avowed Newtonians. Sir Oliver Lodge suggests that he read a new thesis put forward by a German-Swiss scientist named Albert Einstein who is suggesting that Sir Isaac Newton may have got it wrong. The expectation is that Einstein's theories will be disproven but Eddington admits that his General Theory of Relativity has merit. These are turbulent times as England and Germany are at war and Eddington's own loyalty is called into question when, as a Quaker, he refuses to fight. In the end, Eddington develops a series of tests to either prove or disprove Einstein's theories. For his part, Einstein has his own struggles during this period: the breakdown of his marriage, his integration into the university in Berlin and his own strident pacifism that led him to oppose German militarism and the First World War. In the end, Eddington proves Einstein's theories as correct causing what many believe to be the launch of modern day physics.