Guru ljubezni
The Love Guru, Velika Britanija, Nemčija, ZDA, 87 min
Imdb ocena 3.8
Žanr: komedija, romantični, Športni
Igrajo: Jessica Simpson, Kanye West, Mike Myers, Deepak Chopra
Režija: Marco Schnabel
Avtorji: Mike Myers, Graham Gordy
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Pitko so njegovi ameriški starši kot dojenčka zapustili v Indiji, kjer ga je vzgojila skupina gurujev. Sedaj se v iskanju slave preseli nazaj v ZDA, saj si želi uspeti na področju samopomoči in duhovnosti. Kmalu ga najame Jane Bullard, lastnica hokejske ekipe, da bi pobotal njenega najboljšega igralca, Darrena Roanoka, z ženo, ki ga je zapustila. Če mu uspe, bo končno povabljen na Oprah Show, kar mu bo pomagalo, da postane guru številka ena.
Originalni opis filma:
Born in America, but raised in Havemahkeeta in India, with a population of 76, Maurice had always to better Deepak Chopra, and be sexually active, ever since he was 12. His Guru, Tugginmypudha, while approving of Deepak, cautions Maurice and has a chastity belt put around his waist, much to Maurice's chagrin. Years later, Maurice has established himself as Guru Pitka in America, but would like to appear in the Oprah Show and be better than Deepak Chopra. When Jane Bullard from the the Toronto Maple Leafs hires him to counsel their star hockey player, Darren Roanoke, to win back his wife, Prudence, from Kings' star player, Jacques Grande, and also stand up to his dominating mother, Lilian, he agrees to do so - with hilarious results.