Igra za tri
Three Can Play That Game, ZDA, 90 min
Imdb ocena 4.8
Žanr: komedija, romantični
Igrajo: Vivica A. Fox, Jason George, Jazsmin Lewis, Tony Rock
Režija: Samad Davis
Avtorji: Mark Brown, Mark Brown (liki)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Shante je strokovnjakinja za ljubezenska razmerja, ki dekletom pomaga spoznati psiho moških in jim na ta način omogoči zaživeti boljše ljubezensko življenje. Njena zadnja klientka je Tiffany, ki je svojega Byrona pred kratkim ujela v objemu njegove sodelavke Carle. Medtem ko se Shante trudi dopovedati Tiffany, na kakšen način razmišljajo moški, Byron prisluhne nasvetom svojega dobrega prijatelja Gizzarda. Težava je v tem, da so Gizzardovi nasveti popolno nasprotje tistemu, kar Shante uči Tiffany.
Originalni opis filma:
Shanté Smith has moved to Atlanta where she's the Love Doctor, helping women get their men to the altar. Tiffany calls her after she catches her boyfriend, Byron, in a clinch with his boss, Carla, just after he wins a competition similar to "The Apprentice." Shanté initiates a five-step program for Tiffany while Byron seeks advice from his best friend, Gizzard. The five steps include her meeting his family and her offering and withholding sex; Byron and Gizzard respond with their own strategies. Then, Bryon consults Shanté: has the Love Doctor switched sides? And, what happens if Byron finds out that Tiffany's playing games? Can true love run without a play book?