Jack Hunter: Faraonova grobnica
Jack Hunter and the Quest for Akhenaten's Tomb, ZDA, 94 min
Imdb ocena 5.0
Žanr: avantura
Igrajo: Ivan Sergei, Joanne Kelly, Thure Riefenstein, Alaina Huffman
Režija: Terry Cunningham
Avtorji: George Shamieh (zgodba), Steven Jones (zgodba), Michael Palmieri, Steven Jones, Kevin Moore, Michael Palmieri (zgodba)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
V Turčiji arheologa Jacka Hunterja brez njegove privolitve privedejo v ameriško bazo, kjer njegovo pomoč zahteva ameriška agencija za nacionalno varnost. Ruski mafijec, ki naj bi bil odgovoren za smrt njegovega mentorja, se hoče polastiti starodavnega orožja. Ker se je že dokopal do enega dela strahotne naprave, še toliko bolj potrebujejo Jackovo pomoč. Arheološka izkopavanja in raziskave vodi Jackova stara ljubezen Inge, zato je situacija še toliko bolj neprijetna. Poleg tega se nad ekipo kmalu zgrnejo tudi skrivnostni napadalci, z njimi pa še cel kup drugih težav ter izzivov.
Originalni opis filma:
Jack Hunter is abducted blindfolded to a Turkish US base to be recruited by the NSA, told his mentor was killed because Albert Littmann's Russian mob employer Doridanov want the ancient Osiris-weapon. He accepts to go look for the other part in Gizeh, where archaeologist Lena Halstrom has dug up a lead on a site which was attacked by mysterious, mythologically cloaked men, hence the Egyptian in charge, Said, shut it down till further notice. In fact it's the doing of a Midianite (Sinai desert) sect of Akhenaton-worshipers, who try to steal the obelisk from the museum after Jack deciphers its Ugarritian cuneiform text, which contains clues for a treasure-hunt to the pharaoh's tomb-treasure. Said assumes their flight criminal and mobilizes an army colonel, whose unbridled ambition proves even more dangerous for Jack's party, which includes his Syrian friends from the first.