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Operacija Valkira

Operacija Valkira, 2008

Valkyrie, ZDA, Nemčija, 121 min

Imdb ocena 7.1

Žanr: drama, zgodovinski, triler

Igrajo: Tom Cruise, Kenneth Branagh, Bill Nighy, Tom Wilkinson

Režija: Bryan Singer

Avtorji: Christopher McQuarrie, Nathan Alexander

Jezik: angleški, nemški

Operacija Valkira - Valkyrie

Slovenski opis filma:

Film, posnet po resničnih zgodovinskih dogodkih, spremlja poskuse nacističnega častnika, da bi umoril Hitlerja. Polkovnik Claus von Stauffenberg je dolga leta zvesto sledil Hitlerjevim ukazom in bil izredno pomemben sestavni del Hitlerjeve ekipe. Toda potem, ko v napadu izgubi oko in roko, se zave, kako uničujoča je Hitlerjeva politika. Odloči se, da se bo pridružil odporniškemu gibanju in v Hitlerjevem podzemnem bunkerju nastavil bombo. Stauffenberg se zaveda, da bo v primeru, če napad ne uspe, usmrčen.

Originalni opis filma:

In Nazi Germany during World War II, as the tide turned in favor of The Allies, a cadre of senior German officers and politicians desperately plot to topple the Nazi regime before the nation is crushed in a near-inevitable defeat. To this end, Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, an Army officer convinced he must save Germany from Hitler, is recruited to mastermind a real plan. To do so, he arranges for the internal emergency measure, Operation: Valkyrie, to be changed to enable his fellows to seize control of Berlin after the assassination of the Fuhrer. However, even as the plan is put into action, a combination of bad luck and human failings conspire on their own to create a tragedy that would prolong the greater one gripping Europe.