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Sunshine Cleaning, ZDA, 91 min
Imdb ocena 6.8
Žanr: komedija, drama
Igrajo: Amy Adams, Emily Blunt, Alan Arkin, Jason Spevack
Režija: Christine Jeffs
Avtorji: Megan Holley
Jezik: angleški, španski

Slovenski opis filma:
Nekdanja srednješolska navijačica Rose se dandanes preživlja kot čistilka. Ko njenega čudaškega sina Oscarja vržejo iz šole, mu hoče poiskati dobro zasebno šolo. Njen poročeni ljubimec, ki se nekako ne more ločiti od žene, ji omeni, da lahko dobro zasluži s čiščenjem prizorišč umorov. Rose se novega posla loti z zanosom in vanj vplete še svojo neresno sestro Norah, ki se sicer vsakršnemu delu upira. Medtem ko nova kariera Rose prinese številne nagrade, pa njen svet hkrati obrne na glavo.
Originalni opis filma:
A family. Rose and Norah, in Albuquerque, lost their mother when they were young. Rose is responsible - a housecleaner, raising her seven-year-old son Oscar. She's also having an affair with Mac, a married cop, her high-school sweetheart. Norah can't hold a job. Their dad, Joe, is quirky. When Oscar is expelled for odd behavior, Rose wants to earn enough to send him to private school. Mac suggests she clean up after crime scenes, suicides, and deaths that go undiscovered for awhile. Rose enlists Norah, and Sunshine Cleaners is born. Norah bonds with the dead, Rose finds out that it's a regulated business, and complications arise. Can a family marked by tragedy sort things out?