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Semi-Pro, 2008

Semi-Pro, ZDA, 91 min

Imdb ocena 5.8

Žanr: komedija, Športni

Igrajo: Will Ferrell, Woody Harrelson, André Benjamin, Maura Tierney

Režija: Kent Alterman

Avtorji: Scot Armstrong

Jezik: angleški

Semi-Pro - Semi-Pro

Slovenski opis filma:

Leto 1976. Pevec Jackie Moon s svojo edino uspešnico Love Me Sexy zasluži dovolj denarja, da si kupi svojo košarkarsko ekipo. Postane ne le lastnik, ampak tudi glavni trener in eden od igralcev. Žal pa je njegova ekipa na samem dnu lestvice, zato ji grozi neslaven konec. Jackie zato v ekipo pripelje bivšega poklicnega košarkarja Eda Monixa, da bi tako dobil vsaj majhno priložnost, da ekipa pride do zmage in si utre pot v slovito ligo NBA.

Originalni opis filma:

Three men, three dreams. It's 1976 in Flint, Michigan. Jackie Moon's American Basketball Association team languishes in last place, with few fans in the seats. Jackie dreams of a merger with the NBA. A tough-minded point guard named Monix is at the end of his career; he's played on the champion Celtics but accepts a trade to Flint to be close to Lynn, the love of his life. Clarence "Coffee" Brown dreams of stardom: he's the Tropics' best player, but he's a hotdog who doesn't value teamwork. When the trio learns that a merger is in the works that won't include the Tropics, they pull the team together to try to achieve the impossible. Can dreams come true in Flint?