Brez dvoma
Beyond a Reasonable Doubt, ZDA, Savdska Arabija, 106 min
Imdb ocena 5.8
Žanr: kriminalni, drama, misterij
Igrajo: Jesse Metcalfe, Amber Tamblyn, Michael Douglas, Joel David Moore
Režija: Peter Hyams
Avtorji: Peter Hyams (scenarij), Douglas Morrow
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Mark Hunter je uspešni državni tožilec, ki za zapahe spravi tako rekoč vsakega zločinca. Nič čudnega, da se je zdaj odločil kandidirati za guvernerja. Medtem začne ambiciozni mladi novinar C.J. Nicholas preiskovati Hunterjeve primere. Tako začnejo na dan prihajati dokazi, ki kažejo, da je Hunter vse prej kot nedolžen. Da bi dokazal Hunterjevo podkupljivost, se C.J. odloči za tvegan načrt.
Originalni opis filma:
High profile lawyer, Mark Hunter has an impeccable record putting criminals behind bars and is a shoo-in for governor in the upcoming election. But when ambitious rookie journalist, C.J. Nicholas begins investigating Hunter for tampering with evidence to secure his convictions, the district attorney's perfect record is up for scrutiny. Commencing a risky game of cat and mouse with Hunter, C.J. frames himself as a murder suspect to catch the corrupt D.A. in the act. Romantically involved with C.J. but unaware of his assignment, assistant D.A. Ella Crystal becomes caught between her boss's political ambitions and C.J.'s dangerous expose. As mounting evidence stacks up against both men, Ella's own life becomes threatened when she discovers incriminating proof that puts the fate of both C.J's innocence and Hunter's reputation in her hands.