Dirka na Zakleto goro
Race to Witch Mountain, ZDA, 98 min
Imdb ocena 5.7
Žanr: akcijski, avantura, družinski
Igrajo: Dwayne Johnson, AnnaSophia Robb, Alexander Ludwig, Carla Gugino
Režija: Andy Fickman
Avtorji: Matt Lopez (scenarij), Mark Bomback (scenarij), Matt Lopez (screen story), Alexander Key (knjiga)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Jack Bruno (Dwayne Johnson) je taksist iz Las Vegasa, ki si prizadeva ostati na pravi strani zakona.Nič hudega slutečemu taksistu Jacku življenje na glavo obrnejo čudaški znanstvenik in mlada dvojčka, ki skušajo priti na Zakleto goro. Pot na kraj, ki ga obkrožajo številne legende in skrivnosti, se spremeni v pravo avanturo, ko se za Jackom in njegovimi potniki zapodijo vladne agencije, mafijci in celo nezemljani. Dvojčka namreč premoreta nadnaravne moči, zato ju skušajo ujeti in izkoristiti za zaroto proti človeštvu, edina rešitev pa se skriva na Zakleti gori.
Originalni opis filma:
In Las Vegas, the regenerated ex-con Jack Bruno works as taxi driver. During an UFO Convention at Planet Hollywood, the skeptical Jack picks up Dr. Alex Friedman, who will present a scientific lecture in the event. Then he is pressed by two henchmen of his former boss, the criminal Wolff, that wants to talk to him, but Jack does not want to return to the crime life. Jack fights and gets rid of them; out of the blue, he finds two teenagers on the backseat of his cab. They tell that they are siblings, Sara and Seth, and they need to travel to a location outside Las Vegas in the middle of nowhere. Meanwhile the government finds a spacecraft that crashed nearby Las Vegas and is chasing the two aliens; after the investigation of the men of Major Henry Burke, they discover that the two siblings are the aliens. Jack Bruno, Sara and Seth are chased by Henry Burke's team and by the "Syphon", a killer from outer space that has been sent to kill them by the military of their planet that want to invade Earth. Sara and Seth explain that they traveled to Earth to collect scientific data of an experiment and save Earth from invasion, but they need to return immediately to their planet. Jack teams up with Dr. Alex to retrieve their spacecraft in a secret base in the Witch Mountain.