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Izum laži

Izum laži, 2009

The Invention of Lying, ZDA, 100 min

Imdb ocena 6.4

Žanr: komedija, fantazijski, romantični

Igrajo: Ricky Gervais, Jennifer Garner, Jonah Hill, Louis C.K.

Režija: Ricky Gervais, Matthew Robinson

Avtorji: Ricky Gervais, Matthew Robinson

Jezik: angleški

Izum laži - The Invention of Lying

Slovenski opis filma:

Si predstavljate svet, v katerem bi vsi govorili le resnico, naj si bo ta še tako kruta, boleča in žaljiva?Zgodba se dogaja v vzporedni resničnosti, kjer laži – celo sam koncept laganja – ne obstajajo. Vsi, od politikov do oglaševalcev in naključnih mimoidočih, vselej govorijo resnico, ne glede na posledice. A ko nesrečna zguba po imenu Mark Bellison nenadoma odkrije zmožnost laganja, ugotovi, da ima nepoštenost svoje prednosti. V svetu, kjer je vsaka beseda absolutna resnica, se Mark z lažmi zlahka dokoplje do slave in bogastva. A laži se začnejo širiti in Mark kmalu spozna, da so stvari ušle izpod nadzora, ko nekatere njegove najbolj nesramne izmišljotine postanejo temelj nove vere. Ves svet je zdaj odvisen od njegovih besed in samo nekam se Mark z lažmi ne more prebiti – do srca ženske, ki jo ljubi.

Originalni opis filma:

It's a world where everyone tells the truth - and just about anything they're thinking. Mark Bellison is a screenwriter, about to be fired. He's short and chunky with a flat nose - a genetic setup that means he won't get to first base with Anna, the woman he loves. At a bank, on the spur of the moment he blurts out a fib, with eye-popping results. Then, when his mother's on her deathbed, frightened of the eternal void awaiting her, Mark invents fiction. The hospital staff overhear his description of Heaven, believe every word, and tell others. Soon Mark is a prophet, his first inventive screenplay makes him rich, and he's basically a good guy. But will that be enough for Anna?