Extract, ZDA, 92 min
Imdb ocena 6.2
Žanr: komedija, kriminalni, romantični
Igrajo: Jason Bateman, Mila Kunis, Kristen Wiig, Ben Affleck
Režija: Mike Judge
Avtorji: Mike Judge
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Joel Reynolds je vodja majhne tovarnice, kjer delavci pripravljajo stavko. Toda film dejansko ne govori o delavcih in stavki, temveč o osebnih težavah glavnega junaka, ki je poročen, a se zagleda v novo sodelavko Cindy. Ker hoče ostati zvest ženi Suzie, Joel posluša nasvet prijatelja Deana, naj ženi najde ljubimca in se potem brez slabe vesti zaplete s Cindy. A stvari seveda kmalu niso več tako enostavne. Joel mora sestaviti razpadajočo tovarno in svoj zakon, medtem ko ugotavlja, kaj v življenju se mu zdi zares pomembno.
Originalni opis filma:
Joel, the owner of an extract manufacturing plant, constantly finds himself in precarious situations that steadily worsen by the minute. First, his soon-to-be floor manager acquires a serious injury in a machine malfunctioning accident that subsequently endangers the wellbeing of his company. Second, his personal life doesn't fair much better when he takes the advice of his bartending friend Dean during a drug-induced brainstorming session on how to test his wife's faithfulness. Finally, compounding these catastrophes is new employee Cindy, who happens to be a scam artist intent on milking the company for all its worth. Now, Joel must attempt to piece his company and his marriage back together all while trying to figure out what he's really after in life.