Kako nahraniš ribe
Feed the Fish, ZDA, 92 min
Imdb ocena 6.0
Žanr: komedija
Igrajo: Tony Shalhoub, Barry Corbin, Katie Aselton, Vanessa Branch
Režija: Michael Matzdorff
Avtorji: Michael Matzdorff
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Pisatelj in ilustrator otroških knjig iz Los Angelesa Joe Peterson se nevarno bliža krizi srednjih let.Joe je pisatelj za otroke in ilustrator, ki pa ima že drugo leto zapored ustvarjalno krizo. Odloči se, da bo pospremil brata svoje nekdanje punce v majhno mesto v Wisconsinu. Ko njegovega kompanjona ugrizne jazbec in mora v bolnišnico, Joe ostane sam v hiši. Spoprijatelji se s tamkajšnjim puščavnikom in se zaljubi v njegovo vnukinjo. Soočiti pa se mora tudi s šerifom, ki je oče mlade dame, povrh vsega pa ima pištolo in ne mara prišlekov. Božič se bliža in stvari postajajo vedno bolj zapletene ...
Originalni opis filma:
Joe is a children's book writer and illustrator in L.A. in the second year of major writer's block. His girlfriend, impatient with his lack of progress, gets bitchy, so he breaks off the relationship and agrees to accompany her brother to a small town in Wisconsin where stalwarts jump in Lake Michigan on Christmas morning. The house where they stay is isolated, and when Joe's pal is hospitalized with a badger bite, Joe is on his own. He befriends a local hermit, is attracted to the man's granddaughter, and must deal with the local sheriff's dislike of anyone from out of town. Plus, the sheriff is the young woman's dad - with a gun. Christmas approaches and things get complicated.