Ledena smrt
Whiteout, ZDA, Kanada, Francija, Turčija, 101 min
Imdb ocena 5.5
Žanr: akcijski, kriminalni, misterij
Igrajo: Kate Beckinsale, Gabriel Macht, Tom Skerritt, Columbus Short
Režija: Dominic Sena
Avtorji: Jon Hoeber (scenarij), Erich Hoeber (scenarij), Chad Hayes (scenarij), Carey Hayes (scenarij), Greg Rucka (graphic novel), Steve Lieber (graphic novel)
Jezik: angleški, ruski
Slovenski opis filma:
Antarktika je najbolj negostoljubna celina na Zemlji. Tu je šest mesecev temno, temperature pa se spustijo toliko pod ničlo, da si niti predstavljati ne moremo. In kako šele pihajo vetrovi. Mlada policistka Carrie Stetko je edina predstavnica zakona v tem neizprosnem okolju. Nekega dne na ledu najde truplo. Nekdo je na Antarktiki zakrivil prvi umor. Ko Carrie začne raziskovati primer, se zaplete v mrežo laži, prevar in novih umorov. Morilca mora najti v nekaj dneh, preden bo Antarktiko za pol leta spet zajela tema.
Originalni opis filma:
U.S. Marshal Carrie Stetko is three days from the end of her tour at an international research station in Antarctica after which she'll resign. An incident from her past haunts her. The continent's first winter storm is coming when a body, wearing no gear, is discovered in the tundra. She investigates, soon finds more bodies, and must find a motive and a murderer before the storm and her departure. A U.N. agent, Robert Pryce, appears, seemingly out of nowhere, to help. An aging physician about to retire, a nervous mission chief, a downed Soviet plane, and the weather's deadly elements add to the story. Can Carrie trust Pryce and does she still have what it takes?