Počitnice za odrasle
Couples Retreat, ZDA, 113 min
Imdb ocena 5.5
Žanr: komedija
Igrajo: Vince Vaughn, Jason Bateman, Faizon Love, Jon Favreau
Režija: Peter Billingsley
Avtorji: Jon Favreau, Vince Vaughn, Dana Fox
Jezik: angleški, ukrajinski
Slovenski opis filma:
Komedija o nepozabnih počitnicah v raju.Štirje pari se odpravijo v tropsko letovišče, namenjeno zakonskim terapijam. Na žalost se prijatelji ne zavedajo, da počitniški raj ni namenjen zgolj zabavi, temveč se za privlačno kuliso skrivajo zahtevni programi skupinskih vadb, psiholoških pogovorov in preizkusov samospoznavanja. Postopoma se razkrijejo številne zamolčane skrivnosti, skrite želje in dolgoletna nezadovoljstva, kar vsem vpletenim povzroči številne zabavne zadrege.
Originalni opis filma:
Dave and Ronnie, Jason and Cynthia, and Joey and Lucy are close. The group used to include Shane and Jennifer, but they divorced and she's gone. Jason and Cynthia announce that their marriage is in trouble, and they beg their friends (and Shane's young girlfriend) to join them on a couples' retreat, at the package rate, on a tropical island. The others reluctantly agree, planning to play while Jason and Cynthia work on their marriage with an island psychologist. To everyone's surprise, the package is inflexible: each couple must participate in the couples' exercises. Soon fault lines appear in all four relationships. What's in store for each couple?