Pod alabamskim nebom
Alabama Moon, ZDA, 99 min
Imdb ocena 6.6
Žanr: drama, družinski
Igrajo: Jimmy Bennett, Gabriel Basso, Uriah Shelton, Clint Howard
Režija: Tim McCanlies
Avtorji: Watt Key (based upon the novel by), James Whittaker (scenarij), Watt Key (scenarij)
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
POD ALABAMSKIM NEBOM ZDA, 2009 Režija: Tim McCanlies Scenarij: James Whittaker, Watt Key (roman) Igrajo: Jimmy Bennett, Gabriel Basso, Uriah Shelton, John Goodman Mladinski avanturistični film Po smrti očeta, ki je sina vse življenje vzgajal v gozdu in ga učil preživetja v naravi, se Moon, zdaj star 11 let, nenadoma znajde v rokah policije, socialnih ustanov in urbanega sveta, kjer prvič vidi prho in se že prvi dan zaplete v pretep z dežurnim nasilnežem Halom, ki mu drzne groziti. Moonov edini cilj je pobeg iz sirotišnice in uresničenje očetove poslednje želje – da bi živel na Aljaski, kjer civilizacija še ni okrnila narave. Kmalu se spoprijatelji z bolnim dečkom Kitom iz sirotišnice. Na poti na Aljasko se jima pridružita tudi Hal in klateški pes.
Originalni opis filma:
Moon Blake is raised by his loving but government-paranoid father Oliver in a hidden cave in the Alabama forests. Oliver dies from a leg wound he refuses to have medically treated, so Moon is told to move away, alone, and start a new home in the Alaskan wild-lands. Constable Sanders, however - the mean local cop - finds the boy with his father's guns, abuses him and has him locked away till majority age for 'assault' within Mr. Gene's grim Pinson home for boys. Moon soon makes friends with shy, sickly Kit and apparent bully Hal, then sets up a mass escape, on which only the trio actually follows through. Sanders fails to catch them, but the unforgiving elements reshuffle the cards dramatically. An uncle is meanwhile found.