The Box, ZDA, 115 min
Imdb ocena 5.6
Žanr: drama, fantazijski, misterij
Igrajo: Cameron Diaz, James Marsden, Frank Langella, James Rebhorn
Režija: Richard Kelly
Avtorji: Richard Kelly (scenarij), Richard Matheson (short story "Button, Button")
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Norma in Arthur Lewis sta srečna zakonca z majhnim otrokom, ki nekega dne od skrivnostnega neznanca prejmeta preprosto leseno škatlo, v kateri se skriva gumb. Z enim samim pritiskom nanj lahko dobita milijon dolarjev, a se morata obenem zavedati tudi posledic svojega dejanja. Izpolnila se jima ne bo le finančna želja, temveč bosta s tem tudi ubila neznano osebo. Norma in Arthur imata 24 ur časa, da sprejmeta navidez preprosto odločitev. Toda v tem času se soočita s svojo resnično naravo in se znajdeta v hudi moralni dilemi.
Originalni opis filma:
Norma and Arthur Lewis, a suburban couple with a young child, receive a simple wooden box as a gift, which bears fatal and irrevocable consequences. A mysterious stranger delivers the message that the box promises to bestow upon its owner $1 million with the press of a button. However, pressing this button will simultaneously cause the death of another human being somewhere in the world, someone they don't know. With just 24 hours to have the box in their possession, Norma and Arthur find themselves in the cross-hairs of a startling moral dilemma and must face the true nature of their humanity.