Burlesque, ZDA, 119 min
Imdb ocena 6.4
Žanr: drama, glasbeni, muzikal
Igrajo: Cher, Christina Aguilera, Eric Dane, Cam Gigandet
Režija: Steve Antin
Avtorji: Steve Antin
Jezik: angleški, ukrajinski
Slovenski opis filma:
Dekle iz malega mesta (Christina Aguilera) odpotuje v Los Angeles in se znajde v klubu, ki ga vodi nekdanja plesalka (Cher). Muzikal "Burleska", ki ga je napisal in režiral Steven Antin, je dobil nagrado zlati globus. Ali (Christina Aguilera) je dekle s čudovitim glasom. Odloči se zapustiti svoje malo mesto, težko življenje in negotovo prihodnost ter se odpravi v Los Angeles sledit svojim sanjam. Ko naleti na veličastno, a propadajoče gledališče The Burlesque Lounge, v katerem prirejajo glasbene revije, v njem od Tess (Cher), lastnice in glavne zvezde kluba, sprejme delo natakarice. Mladenko kostumi in drzne koreografije povsem očarajo, zato si priseže, da bo nekega dne tudi sama nastopila v klubu. Kmalu se spoprijatelji s plesalko Georgio (Julianne Hough) in spre z ljubosumno ter težavno Nikki (Kristen Bell). Zanjo se ogreje točaj in glasbenik Jack (Cam Gigandet), s pomočjo pronicljivega vodje predstave (Stanley Tucci) in androginega gosta (Alan Cumming) pa se ji uspe zares povzpeti na oder. Njen čudovit glas pomaga obuditi nekdanjo slavo lokala, a šele, ko ga obišče karizmatični podjetnik (Eric Dane) z vabljivim predlogom.
Originalni opis filma:
The Burlesque Lounge has its best days behind it. Tess, a retired dancer and owner of the venue, struggles to keep the aging theater alive, facing all kinds of financial and artistic challenges. With the Lounge's troupe members becoming increasingly distracted by personal problems and a threat coming from a wealthy businessman's quest to buy the spot from Tess, the good fortune seems to have abandoned the club altogether. Meanwhile, the life of Ali, a small-town girl from Iowa, is about to change dramatically. Hired by Tess as a waitress at the Lounge, Ali escapes a hollow past and quickly falls in love with the art of burlesque. Backed by newfound friends amongst the theater's crew, she manages to fulfill her dreams of being on stage herself. Things take a dramatic turn though when Ali's big voice makes her become the main attraction of the revue.