Kako veš
How Do You Know, ZDA, 121 min
Imdb ocena 5.4
Žanr: komedija, drama, romantični
Igrajo: Reese Witherspoon, Paul Rudd, Owen Wilson, Jack Nicholson
Režija: James L. Brooks
Avtorji: James L. Brooks
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Lisa je uspešna igralka softballa, ki izve, da je ostala brez mesta v državni reprezentanci. Izobraženi in po krivem obtoženi poslovnež George je medtem pravkar izgubil službo v očetovem podjetju in svojega očeta zaman prepričuje, da ni bil vpleten v finančno goljufijo. Bosta George in Lisa imela več sreče v ljubezni? Lisa se zagleda v uspešnega igralca bejzbola Mattyja, ki je obenem velik ženskar, Georgea pa zapusti njegova dolgoletna spremljevalka. Ko obupani George spozna še bolj obupano Liso, v njuni življenji posije žarek upanja.
Originalni opis filma:
Star softball player, Lisa, has just been cut from the national team; Scholarly business man, George, has just been indicted from his father's company. With everything that they know in their lives taken from them, Lisa and George attempt to find romance. Lisa's potential boyfriend, Matty, however, is as clueless and perpetually single as they come, and George's girlfriend just dumped him. A chance hook-up through mutual friends, Lisa and George may be able to form a friendship, or more, that can help them climb out of the piles of lemons that life has handed to them.