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Ice Castles, ZDA, Kanada, 95 min
Imdb ocena 6.4
Žanr: drama, romantični, Športni
Igrajo: Taylor Firth, Rob Mayes, Henry Czerny, Morgan Kelly
Režija: Donald Wrye
Avtorji: Donald Wrye (tv priredba), Gary L. Baim (tv priredba), Karen Bloch Morse (tv priredba), Gary L. Baim (zgodba)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Lexie Winston je mlada drsalka, ki sanja o tem, da bo nekoč postala prvakinja v umetnostnem drsanju. Potem ko jo na regijskem tekmovanju opazi elitni trener in ji ponudi sodelovanje, se Lexie iz rodne Iowe preseli v Kolorado, obenem pa se razide s svojim fantom Nickom, mladim igralcem hokeja, in se začne videvati s starejšim moškim. Lexijina pot do uspeha doživi hiter konec, ko se nekega večera med treningom hudo poškoduje in oslepi. Dekle se je prisiljeno vrniti na začetek, obnoviti stike z domačim krajem in ljudmi, ki jih pozna, ter kljub slepoti še naprej skušati izpolniti svoje cilje o drsanju.
Originalni opis filma:
Alexis Winston is a young girl who dreams of becoming a champion figure skater. The road to becoming a champion is tough and forced to leave her family behind and eventually causes the break up between her and her boyfriend. While practicing, Alexis suffers a terrible accident that takes her sight and threatens to destroy her dreams. In the midst of feeling sorry for herself she finds herself falling in love all over again with her boyfriend in Nick who (with help from her family) helps her to realize that she can still fulfill her dreams.