Londonski bulvar
London Boulevard, United States, United Kingdom, 103 min
Imdb ocena 6.2
Žanr: kriminalni, drama
Igrajo: Colin Farrell, Keira Knightley, Ray Winstone
Režija: William Monahan
Avtorji: William Monahan, Ken Bruen
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Londonski gangster Mitchel se po treh letih zapora vrne na svobodo, odločen, da bo začel znova in si našel pošteno delo. Žal se njegovi načrti izjalovijo, ko ga k sebi povabi njegov stari prijatelj Billy, ki ga je v zameno za hiter in lahek nezakonit posel pripravljen vzeti pod streho. Mitchel medtem dobi priložnost, da kot telesni stražar začne delati za slavno igralko Charlotte, ki se pred fotografi skriva v Holland Parku. Poleg tega v London prispe razvpiti gangster Gant, ki želi, da začne Mitchel delati zanj.
Originalni opis filma:
Fresh out of prison, Mitchel wants nothing to do with crime but accepts a kip from Billy, a marginal grafter, and accompanies Billy on rent collection trips. He's also old school, wanting revenge on two youths for assaulting a mendicant he's befriended. He's got a strung-out sister to protect, and he's offered a job protecting a famous actress from paparazzi. The plot lines join when Michael finds himself attracted to the actress and Billy's Mob boss, Gant, finds ways to force Michael work for him. He also warns Michael off revenge against the assailants of his friend. What are Michael's options: is there any way to avoid Gant, protect his sister, and find a path to love?