Killers, ZDA, 100 min
Imdb ocena 5.5
Žanr: akcijski, komedija, romantični
Igrajo: Ashton Kutcher, Katherine Heigl, Tom Selleck, Catherine O'Hara
Režija: Robert Luketic
Avtorji: Bob DeRosa (scenarij), Ted Griffin (scenarij), Bob DeRosa (zgodba)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Spencer je vladni morilec, ki sovraži svojo službo in ki si bolj od vsega želi živeti povsem običajno življenje. Ko v Franciji spozna nevrotično Američanko Jen, ki se je pravkar razšla s svojim fantom in se s svojimi starši mudi na počitnicah, se Spencer odloči, da bo svoj poklic obesil na klin in zaživel tako, kot želi. Čeprav ga njegov šef Holbrook prepričuje, da je to nemogoče, se Spencer poroči z Jen in preseli v hišico v predmestju. Tri leta kasneje izve, da mu nekdo streže po življenju, zato je svoji ženi prisiljen povedati resnico.
Originalni opis filma:
Spencer Aimes is just your average, undercover, government-hired super-assassin accustomed to a life of exotic European locales, flashy sports cars and even flashier women. But when he meets Jen Kornfeldt, a beautiful, fun-loving computer tech recovering from a bad break-up, he finds true love...and happily trades international intrigue for domestic bliss. Three years later, Spencer and Jen are still enjoying a picture-perfect marriage - that is, until the morning after Spencer's 30th birthday. That's when Spencer and Jen learn he's the target of a multi-million dollar hit. Even worse, the hired killers have been stalking the happy couple for years, and could be anyone: friends, neighbors, the grocery store clerk, even that crabby old guy shuffling across the street. Now Spencer and Jen are on the run for their lives. As their suburban paradise turns into a paranoid game of dodge-the-bullet, they must find out who wants Spencer dead and why, all the while trying to save their marriage, manage his in-laws, keep up neighborly appearances ... and just plain survive.