Romanca v Rimu
When in Rome, ZDA, 91 min
Imdb ocena 5.5
Žanr: komedija, romantični
Igrajo: Kristen Bell, Josh Duhamel, Anjelica Huston, Danny DeVito
Režija: Mark Steven Johnson
Avtorji: David Diamond, David Weissman
Jezik: angleški, italijanski, ukrajinski
Slovenski opis filma:
Kristen Bell igra ambiciozno mlado Newyorčanko, ki je obupala nad ljubeznijo.Ambiciozna Newyorčanka Beth nikakor ne najde prave ljubezni, zato med obiskom Rima vzame nekaj kovancev iz vodnjaka ljubezni. S tem si na glavo nakoplje nerazložljivo ljubezen nekdanjih lastnikov kovancev: bogatega proizvajalca klobas (Danny DeVito), cestnega čarovnika (Jon Heder), strastnega slikarja (Will Arnett) in samovšečnega manekena (Dax Shepard). Toda ko ji začne dvoriti tudi simpatični novinar Nick (Josh Duhamel), mora Beth ugotoviti, ali so njegova čustva pristna ali pa je tudi on zgolj suženj ljubezenskega uroka.
Originalni opis filma:
Beth is a hard working career woman whose last relationship says that she puts her work above him so he left her. When he tells her he found another career woman and is willing to stick it out with her and is engaged to her, Beth feels that there is no one for her. And when she goes to Rome to attend her sister's impromptu wedding and after meeting the best man, Nick, she's attracted to him but after seeing him with another woman, she gets drunk and goes into the famed Fountain of Love and takes some coins thrown by people looking for love. When she goes back to New York four men start coming onto her. And Nick keeps calling her asking her out. She later learns that what she did--is a no no. It seems legend says that if you take a coin out of the fountain the person who threw it will fall in love with who took the coin. So she has to find a way to break the curse. And she wonders if Nick, whom she likes, is with her cause he wants to or if he is under the spell.