Zelena cona
Green Zone, Velika Britanija, Francija, Španija, ZDA, 115 min
Imdb ocena 6.8
Žanr: akcijski, drama, triler
Igrajo: Igal Naor, Said Faraj, Faycal Attougui, Aymen Hamdouchi
Režija: Paul Greengrass
Avtorji: Brian Helgeland, Rajiv Chandrasekaran (knjiga)
Jezik: angleški, arabski
Slovenski opis filma:
Spoznali bomo temno plat vojne v Iraku, ki jo doživlja marinec Roy Miller. Njegov oddelek ima nalogo poiskati orožje za množično uničenje, toda med številnimi smrtonosnimi zasedami nepričakovano naletijo na neprijetno presenečenje, ki nakazuje možnost srhljive zarote. Roy se znajde med dvema ognjema, saj se mora poleg sovražnikov pomeriti tudi z dvoličnimi ameriškimi agenti in politiki, ki so pripravljeni storiti vse, da resnica ne bi prišla na dan. Kmalu bo ugotovil, da je najbolj zmuzljivo orožje od vseh resnica.
Originalni opis filma:
Following the American invasion of Iraq in 2003 Chief Warrant Officer Roy Miller and his men are charged with finding the so-called weapons of mass destruction, whose existence justified American involvement, according to the Pentagon and their man in Baghdad, Poundstone. Veteran CIA operative Marty tells Miller that there are no weapons, it is a deception to allow the Americans to take over the country and install a puppet leader. Also suspicious of Poundstone is Wall Street Journal reporter Lawrie Dayne, who lets slip to Miller that Poundstone told her he had secret talks in Jordan with an important Iraqi, code-named Magellan, who told him about the weapons, though it now seems likely Magellan's true information was to the contrary. So begins a hunt for the truth. Who's playing whom?