Življenje, kot ga poznaš
Life as We Know It, ZDA, 114 min
Imdb ocena 6.5
Žanr: komedija, drama, romantični
Igrajo: Katherine Heigl, Josh Duhamel, Josh Lucas, Alexis Clagett
Režija: Greg Berlanti
Avtorji: Ian Deitchman, Kristin Rusk Robinson
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Holly in Eric se spoznata na zmenku na slepo, kamor ju pošljeta prijatelja Peter in Allison, ki imata hčerko Sophie. Zmenek je prava katastrofa, zato se Holly in Eric ne nameravata nikoli več videti. A usoda hoče drugače. Ko Peter in Allison umreta v prometni nesreči, morata Holly in Eric kot botra njune hčerke poskrbeti za malo Sophie. Tako morata pozabiti na pretekle zamere, zaživeti pod eno streho, premostiti medsebojne razlike, se soočiti s številnimi novimi preizkušnjami in na koncu postati zgledna starša.
Originalni opis filma:
Holly and Eric were set up on a blind date by their friends, Peter and Allison who are married. After Peter and Allison are killed in an accident, they learn that they have been named as the guardians to Peter and Allison's daughter, Sophie. So they move into their house and try their best to honor their friends' wishes. But raising a child puts a crimp on their style and they don't exactly get along.