Heleno, brazilski junak
Heleno, Brazilija, 116 min
Imdb ocena 6.8
Žanr: biografski, drama, Športni
Igrajo: Rodrigo Santoro, Angie Cepeda, Alinne Moraes
Režija: José Henrique Fonseca
Avtorji: L.G. Bayão, Felipe Bragança, Fernando Castets
Jezik: portugalski, španski

Slovenski opis filma:
Film prikazuje turbulentno življenje enega največjih brazilskih športnih junakov in temelji na resnični zgodbi nogometaša Helena de Freitasa. V 40. letih prejšnjega stoletja je bil Heleno na vrhuncu svoje kariere, medtem pa si prislužil sloves slavnega zapeljivca, kljub dejstvu, da je bil poročen in imel otroke. Toda s slavo je narasla tudi njegova strast do dekadentnega življenja, polnega žensk in nočnih klubov, ki je ogrozila njegovo uspešno kariero.
Originalni opis filma:
The film about Heleno de Freitas (1920/1959) ( Santoro ) , who was one of the greats of Brazilian football . An exceptional player , but very temperamental , while that displayed his enormous talent on the pitch , showed her charm in the evenings locals . Beautiful, elegant and arrogant, and had lived in bohemian affairs constant , drank heavily , took drugs and not cared athletically , living creating controversies club ( Botafogo ) , with colleagues and frictions with opponents . He had a brief stint in Argentina , where trained clothing and outerwear , for not supporting the ice. Produção inspired the book "There was never a man like Heleno " ( title inspired by the movie " Gilda " with Rita Hayworth , who was the pejorative nickname of Heleno ) , the journalist Marcos Eduardo Neves . It is worth mentioning that the film is not about football , goes far beyond this bias , it shows starkly the uncertainties of a celebrity ambiguous and unprepared - Filmed in black and white with great photography and reconstitution of the time, tuned cast and superb acting of Rodrigo Santoro .