Kako se znebiti šefa
Horrible Bosses, ZDA, 98 min
Imdb ocena 6.9
Žanr: komedija, kriminalni
Igrajo: Jason Bateman, Steve Wiebe, Kevin Spacey, Charlie Day
Režija: Seth Gordon
Avtorji: Michael Markowitz (scenarij), John Francis Daley (scenarij), Jonathan Goldstein (scenarij), Michael Markowitz (zgodba)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Spremljamo tri zagrenjene prijatelje, ki jim njihovi grozni šefi tako ali drugače grenijo življenje. Nick svojega šefa sovraži zato, ker mora delati od zore do mraka; Dale svojo šefico sovraži zato, ker ga spolno nadleguje, čeprav se bo kmalu poročil; Kurt pa je bil s svojim šefom čisto zadovoljen, toda kaj, ko je ta nenadoma umrl in ga je na položaju nadomestil njegov psihopatski sin. Ker je v času recesije precej neumno dajati odpoved, se trije prijatelji odločijo svojih šefov znebiti drugače.
Originalni opis filma:
Nick hates his boss, mostly because he's expected to work from before sunrise to after sunset and his boss, Mr. Harken, calls him out for being a minute late and blackmails him so he can't quit. Dale hates his boss, Dr. Julia Harris, because she makes unwelcome sexual advances when he's about to get married. But Dale is on that pesky list of child offenders so he can't quit. Kurt actually likes his job and his boss, well, up until his boss dies and the boss's coked-out, psychopathic son takes over. But who would be crazy enough to quit their jobs in such poor economic times? Instead Nick, Dale and Kurt drunkenly and hypothetically discuss how to kill their bosses, and before they know it, they've hired a murder consultant to help them pull off the three deeds.