Karantena 2: Terminal
Quarantine 2: Terminal, ZDA, 86 min
Imdb ocena 5.3
Žanr: grozljivka, misterij, znanstvena fantastika
Igrajo: Mercedes Mason, Josh Cooke, Mattie Liptak, Ignacio Serricchio
Režija: John Pogue
Avtorji: John Pogue (scenarij), John Erick Dowdle (motion picture "Quarantine"), Drew Dowdle (motion picture "Quarantine"), Jaume Balagueró (motion picture "Rec"), Luiso Berdejo (motion picture "Rec"), Paco Plaza (motion picture "Rec")
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Takoj po vzletu letala eden izmed potnikov nenadoma zboli za skrivnostnim virusom. Letalo je prisiljeno zasilno pristati, potniki pa morajo ostati izolirani v karanteni na terminalu dokler ne odkrijejo vzroka bolezni. Medtem se okuženi potniki začnejo sumljivo obnašati, zato se preživeli trudijo ubraniti pred njimi in preživeti. Pod vodstvom stevardese Jenny se trudijo najti izhod iz smrtonosne karantene.
Originalni opis filma:
In Los Angeles, the police put a residential building in quarantine. Meanwhile, the flight attendants of Trans Sky Air, Jenny and Paula, are welcoming the passengers of flight TS Air 318 from Los Angeles to Kansas City with Captain Forrest and Co-Pilot Wilsy. Teacher Henry brings a cage of hamsters to the cabin, but Jenny tells him that it should be transported in the cargo hold. However, one hamster bites the fingertip of the fat passenger Ralph. Soon, Ralph vomits and becomes aggressive, attacking Paula. The male passengers help Jenny and lock Ralph in the bathroom while Captain Forrest requests an emergency landing. When they land in the airport, they find all the gates closed and the Captain heads the plane to an abandoned terminal. Employee Ed helps the crew and passengers to reach the exit, but they find that they are closed. Soon they discover that the place is in quarantine and there is no way out.