The Hunter, Avstralija, 100 min
Imdb ocena 6.8
Žanr: avantura, drama, triler
Igrajo: Willem Dafoe, Frances O'Connor, Sam Neill, Morgana Davies
Režija: Daniel Nettheim
Avtorji: Alice Addison (scenarij), Wain Fimeri (original adaptation), Daniel Nettheim (original adaptation), Julia Leigh (based on the novel by)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Samotarski Martin je izkušen, samosvoj in predan plačanec. Nekega dne ga najame anonimno biotehnološko podjetje, ki ga pošlje v divjino Tasmanije, kjer naj bi našel zadnji primerek domnevno izumrlega tasmanskega tigra in jim prinesel njegov genetski material. Martin se v Tasmaniji nastani v zanemarjeni koči na kmetiji, kjer prebiva družina, katere oče je izginil. Čeprav je vajen biti sam, se na mater samohranilko in njena dva otroka naveže. Navezanost je vse večja, nevarnost, ki ogroža njegovo smrtonosno misijo, pa tudi.
Originalni opis filma:
The independent and lonely hunter Martin David is hired by the powerful biotech company Red Leaf to hunt down the last Tasmanian tiger. Red Leaf is interested in the DNA of the animal and Martin travels to Tasmania alone. He poses as a researcher from a university and lodges in the house of Lucy Armstrong. Martin learns that Lucy's husband has been missing for a long time and he befriends her children, Sass and Bike. When Martin goes to the village, he has a hostile reception from the locals. Along the days, Martin spends his days in the Tasmanian wilderness chasing the Tiger and becomes closer and closer to the Armstrong family. But Red Leaf wants results no matter the costs.