Margaret, ZDA, 150 min
Imdb ocena 6.5
Žanr: drama
Igrajo: Anna Paquin, J. Smith-Cameron, Mark Ruffalo, Jeannie Berlin
Režija: Kenneth Lonergan
Avtorji: Kenneth Lonergan
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
17-letna Lisa je nekega dne priča prometni nesreči, ki je terjala žensko smrtno žrtev. Nikakor se ne more znebiti občutka, da je tudi sama kriva za tragični dogodek, zato je odločena, da bo popravila stvari in se poskušala odkupiti. A bolj ko se vpleta v nastalo situacijo, bolj se srečuje s problemi na vsakem koraku. Čustveno začne vplivati tudi na svoje bližnje, prijatelje, učitelje in tudi sama nase. Bo njene mladostniške ideale razblinila kruta resnica?
Originalni opis filma:
Margaret centers on a 17-year-old New York City high-school student who feels certain that she inadvertently played a role in a traffic accident that has claimed a woman's life. In her attempts to set things right she meets with opposition at every step. Torn apart with frustration, she begins emotionally brutalizing her family, her friends, her teachers, and most of all, herself. She has been confronted quite unexpectedly with a basic truth: that her youthful ideals are on a collision course against the realities and compromises of the adult world.