Naš idiotski brat
Our Idiot Brother, ZDA, 90 min
Imdb ocena 6.4
Žanr: komedija, drama
Igrajo: Paul Rudd, Nick Sullivan, Francesca Papalia, Bob Stephenson
Režija: Jesse Peretz
Avtorji: Jesse Peretz (zgodba), Evgenia Peretz (zgodba), David Schisgall (zgodba), Evgenia Peretz (scenarij), David Schisgall (scenarij)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Ned je velik idealist, ki s svojim dekletom goji biološko pridelano zelenjavo in marihuano. Ko skuša nekega dne na tržnici svojo drogo prodati policistu, se znajde za zapahi, dekle pa vzame njunega psa in ga zapusti. Izgubljen in brez strehe nad glavo, se Ned zasmili svojim trem sestram, ki ga tako vzamejo pod svoje okrilje. A odločitev kmalu obžalujejo, saj je Ned tako iskren, da gre s svojimi pripombami počasi na živce vsem po vrsti. In ko se že zdi, da je Ned največji neumnež na svetu, njegova družina spozna, da je resnica morda drugačna.
Originalni opis filma:
Ned lived a happy life growing organic vegetables on a farm with his hippie girlfriend and his dog named Willie Nelson, but an unadvised incident with marijuana at a farmer's market lands him in jail. When he gets out of jail, he is off to live with his sisters. While Ned is still happy, his sisters are much less so after his honest, but unworldly manner contributes to revelations which manage to expose infidelity in one marriage, potentially illegal actions in one job opportunity, dishonesty in one budding relationship and morally unpleasant behaviour in one domestic partnership. He sees those problems as breakdowns in communication, but his sisters see him as an idiot. The truth the audience witness is that ultimately, Ned is a catalyst for good around him without consciously setting out to do so. The denouement of the film sees balance restored with a positive outcome for all in the family.