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Something Borrowed, ZDA, 112 min
Imdb ocena 5.9
Žanr: komedija, drama, romantični
Igrajo: Ginnifer Goodwin, Kate Hudson, Colin Egglesfield, John Krasinski
Režija: Luke Greenfield
Avtorji: Jennie Snyder Urman (scenarij), Emily Giffin (novela)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Rachel je še vedno samska, na kar jo redno opominja najboljša prijateljica Darcy.Nadarjena odvetnica v newyorški odvetniški pisarni Rachel je radodarna in zvesta prijateljica, a je še vedno samska, zaradi česar jo nenehno draži njena najboljša in zaročena prijateljica Darcy. A po praznovanju svojega 30. rojstnega dne se večno pridno dekle nepričakovano znajde v objemu Dexa, v katerega je zaljubljena še s pravne fakultete, ki je po naključju tudi Darcyjin zaročenec. V naglici zadnjih nekaj tednov pred Darcyjino poroko se začnejo podirati domine in Rachel se znajde v nemogočem položaju ...
Originalni opis filma:
Rachel is a lawyer. When she was in law school she fell for another student, Dex, who comes from an affluent family, but she was too shy to say anything. When Dex meets her best friend Darcy, who sometimes treats her like dirt, Darcy makes a move on Dex and gets him. Eventually, they get engaged and Darcy asks Rachel to be her Maid of Honor. However, Rachel still has feelings for Dex and still can't say anything. Darcy throws her a birthday party and Dex is there. When she and Dex are alone she blurts out that she had a thing for him in college which surprised him, and after drinking a little they spend the night together. They try to forget the whole thing and agree that it means nothing. Ethan, Rachel's close friend, tells her that she'll spend her entire life regretting that if she does nothing.