Postavi se zase
Born to Fight, Kanada, ZDA, 90 min
Imdb ocena 5.0
Žanr: akcijski, družinski
Igrajo: Steve Austin, Daniel Magder, Janet Kidder, Emma Grabinsky
Režija: Anne Wheeler
Avtorji: Evan Jacobs, Jack Nasser
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Dan Barnes je bivši profesionalni boksar, ki dela zdaj kot hišnik na bližnji srednji šoli. Tam opazi, da je novinec Matthew Miller postal nemočna tarča šolskih nasilnežev, zato se odloči, da mu bo pomagal. Matthew se tako z Danovo pomočjo nauči boksati in zoperstaviti svojim nasilnim vrstnikom, med katerimi je tudi šolski boksarski prvak, Dan pa se prek vloge mentorja začne počasi pomirjati s svojo nasilno preteklostjo.
Originalni opis filma:
Dan Barnes (Steve Austin) is a former pro boxer who retired after growing weary of his violent existence. Now a school janitor, Dan tries to help a new student, Matthew Miller (Daniel Magder), who is being targeted by bullies. While Matthew learns how to box and stand up to his tormentors, one of whom is the school boxing champ (Jaren Brandt Bartlett), Dan's new found role as a teacher helps him come to terms with his tumultuous past.