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Trije mušketirji

Trije mušketirji, 2011

The Three Musketeers, Nemčija, Francija, Velika Britanija, 110 min

Imdb ocena 5.8

Žanr: akcijski, avantura, romantični

Igrajo: Matthew Macfadyen, Milla Jovovich, Helen George, Christian Oliver

Režija: Paul W.S. Anderson

Avtorji: Alex Litvak (scenarij), Andrew Davies (scenarij), Alexandre Dumas (novela)

Jezik: angleški

Trije mušketirji - The Three Musketeers

Slovenski opis filma:

Mladi D'Artagnan in trije izmed francoskih najbolj elitnih kraljevih gardistov se podijo po vsej Evropi, da bi pred zaroto rešili kralja in državo.Pogumni mladenič D'Artagnan (Logan Lerman) želi slediti očetovemu vzoru in postati mušketir, toda dvolični kardinal Richelieu (Christoph Waltz) je razpustil kraljevo vojsko in s pomočjo svoje armade ustrahuje Francijo. V boju za pravico in kralja se D'Artagnan pridruži slavni trojici mušketirjev, Porthosu, Aramisu in Athosu (Ray Stevenson, Luke Evans in Matthew Macfadyen), ki skušajo razkrinkati spletke kardinala Richelieuja. Med glavnimi osumljenci je zvita in privlačna zapeljivka De Winter (Milla Jovovich), ki je ukradla da Vincijev načrt novega orožja in ga izročila samovšečnemu angleškemu vojvodi (Orlando Bloom). Toda mušketirji se ne ustrašijo izziva, temveč se z dvignjenimi meči spustijo v novo vratolomno pustolovščino.

Originalni opis filma:

After failing in a scheme to steal Leonardo Da Vinci's airship blueprints, the Musketeers are disbanded by Cardinal Richelieu leaving Athos, Porthos and Aramis on the streets of Paris. In the meantime, the young, reckless and ambitious D'Artagnan has set off from Gascony with dreams of becoming a musketeer himself, not realizing that they have been disbanded. In no time, D'Artagnan manages to offend Athos, Porthos and Aramis on different occasions and challenges them all to duels. However before the duels can take place they are attacked by guards, trying to arrest them for illegal dueling. The ex-musketeers and D'Artagnan fight off the soldiers, leading to the four men becoming a band with the motto of "All for one, and one for all". Count Richelieu is not only determined to be rid of the musketeers, but also schemes with Athos' former lover Milady to undermine the reign of King Louis and his wife. The musketeers and D'Artagnan are determined to save the royal family and France itself.