Celeste in Jesse za vedno
Celeste & Jesse Forever, ZDA, 92 min
Imdb ocena 6.6
Žanr: komedija, drama, romantični
Igrajo: Rashida Jones, Andy Samberg, Ari Graynor, Eric Christian Olsen
Režija: Lee Toland Krieger
Avtorji: Rashida Jones, Will McCormack
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Romantična drama spremlja par, ki skuša ohraniti tesno prijateljstvo, čeprav se ločuje. Celeste in Jesse sta se spoznala v srednji šoli, poročila sta se mlada in zdaj sta si vse bolj tuja. Celeste se odloči, da je edina rešitev ločitev. Jesse brezvoljno sprejme spremembo, čeprav je še vedno zaljubljen vanjo. Med burnimi spremembami v življenju Celeste in Jesse spoznavata, da moraš ljubljenemu človeku včasih dopustiti predvsem svobodo.
Originalni opis filma:
Celeste and Jesse have been best friends forever. They dated in high school, got married, and now they're getting divorced. Their best friends don't think they can maintain their friendship throughout the dissolution of their marriage, but Celeste and Jesse don't think there will be a problem. But that's before Jesse gets into a relationship that Celeste doesn't think he can handle, and Celeste finds it harder to move on than she originally thought.