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To the Wonder, ZDA, 112 min
Imdb ocena 5.9
Žanr: drama, romantični
Igrajo: Ben Affleck, Olga Kurylenko, Rachel McAdams, Javier Bardem
Režija: Terrence Malick
Avtorji: Terrence Malick
Jezik: angleški, francoski, španski, italijanski, znakovni jeziks, ruski

Slovenski opis filma:
Neil se v Franciji zaljubi v Marino, samsko mati ukrajinskega rodu. Marina, prepričana, da je našla ljubezen svojega življenja, se z desetletno hčerko preseli k Neilu v Ameriko, v majhno vas v Oklahomi. A kmalu začne njuna ljubezen ugašati in nadomesti jo občutek negotovosti. Neil se ponovno zbliža s prijateljico iz šolskih dni, Marina pa išče nasvete pri še enem priseljencu, krajevnem duhovniku očetu Quintani. Ta se medtem spopada z lastnimi dilemami ter dvomi v svoje poslanstvo. Oba moška sta prisiljena ponovno pretehtati ljubezen. Lahko ljubezen postane obveza? Lahko bolečina povezuje bolj kot sreča?
Originalni opis filma:
Neil (Ben Affleck) is an American traveling in Europe who meets and falls in love with Marina (Olga Kurylenko), a Ukrainian divorcée who is raising her 10-year-old daughter Tatiana in Paris. The lovers travel to Mont St. Michel, the island abbey off the coast of Normandy, basking in the wonder of their newfound romance. Neil makes a commitment to Marina, inviting her to relocate to his native Oklahoma with Tatiana. He takes a job as an environmental inspector and Marina settles into her new life in America with passion and vigor. After a holding pattern, their relationship cools. Marina finds solace in the company of another exile, the Catholic priest Father Quintana (Javier Bardem), who is undergoing a crisis of faith. Work pressures and increasing doubt pull Neil further apart from Marina, who returns to France with Tatiana when her visa expires. Neil reconnects with Jane (Rachel McAdams), an old flame. They fall in love until Neil learns that Marina has fallen on hard times. Gripped by a sense of responsibility - and his own crisis of faith - he rekindles with Marina after another trip to France. She returns with him to Oklahoma, resuming her American life. But the old sorrows eventually return.